FB50 - Posting General Ledger (GL)

10:28 PM


SAP Buttons  which will be used in this guide is :

The following message will appear in the SAP transaction (usually located in the  status bar), starting with:
I         Information – notification of your status.
           example : “Your document has been saved”
W       Warning – you can ignore it by pressing the enter key
            Contoh : “Please check your input”
E        Error – you can not proceed until the problem is resolved.
            Contoh : “Please enter company code”
A        Abort – an error in the program that you can not solve, contact your SAP team.
Notes : if you see marked field , meaning that the field must be filled in (Required Field), in order to get to step / next process. And for fields that are not marked, which means that the field should not be filled (Optional Field), and users can directly proceed to step / next process.

Double click FB50 - Enter G/L Account Document.

 In the next screen, Enter the document date in header part

Next select button Company Code

Enter the Company Code for the Transaction

In the Item details part , Enter the following

  1. Enter Cash Account to be Debit
  2. Select  Debit
  3. Enter Amount to be debited
  4. Enter Bank account to be Credited
  5. Select Credit
  6. Enter Amount to be Credited

Now check the status of the Document in Amount Information section

 To Check Document before Post, click Simulate 

Post Transaction 
In the Status Bar Document number is generated which confirms Document Posting.

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